The Berlin Psychoanalysis Reading Group explores different texts on 19th and 20th century psychoanalytic thought through informal yet rigorous discussions. This third reiteration will focus on the fields that emerge, shift, play, and battle in the aftermath of Freud. It will move between Drive Theory, Object Relation Theory, and Ego Psychology, engaging with thinkers and analysts such as Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, or Jean Laplanche.
The reading group meets every Wednesday between 18:30-20:00 and runs from May 24th to June 28th. It is open to anyone with an interest in psychoanalysis regardless of academic background. For any further questions and accompanying handouts feel free to email Violeta Ruiz Espigares at:
Violeta Ruiz Espigares is an independent scholar focusing on literary and political analyses of the early modern period, with attention to deconstructive and psychoanalytic frameworks. Their objects of study include short stories, legal documents and scientific treatises, among others. Some of their work has been published on the Modern Language Notes, and is forthcoming with the University of Amsterdam Press. They hold a PhD in Comparative Literature and Psychoanalytic Studies from Emory University.