History Matters/Konstellation Benjamin asks about contemporary possibilities of memory culture. Walter Benjamin's concepts of "constellation" and "now" offer a leitmotif approach. They make clear how, in recourse to the past, what is possible appears and can become the object of present constructions. This is also where Arno Gisinger's work Konstellation. Walter Benjamin in Exile. Knowing Benjamin's art and media theory, the photographer reflects on how his history of exile can be recalled in the medium of photography and in the interplay of text and image. His work is shown in the exhibition History Matters / Constellation Benjamin in dialogue with works from the collection of modern and contemporary art. The publication documents the exhibition of the same name in the art collections of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and expands the associated discussion with photographs by Arno Gisinger and texts by Florian Ebner, Bernd Stiegler, Nathalie Raoux and Friederike Wappler.